Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart

See my whole article here - Check the price of the latest Bullworker model here. The Bullworker® Secret 7. 7 Routines 7 Seconds per day: The Bullworker Secret 7 workout that tones 60% of your muscle group areas. Warm up and perform each of the following exercises once, then warm down. Follow the instruction for each of the ex ercise routines shown. 1 ABDOMINALS Definition A. With each hand grasp the ropes near the top.

Forgetthe OUTDATED 'Bullworker' Exercise Wall Chart & TrainingProgram!

In fact, if you're still working out with any ofthe GeezerWorker wall chart exercises orthe training programs -- you may be headed towards 'Geezer WorkerElbow' and many other ligamentailments.

Resultsin as Little as 7 Seconds!

Have you everwondered why some people seem to have a “knack” for building muscle andstrength?

Are you lookingto develop a powerful, muscular and ripped body?

Then, you must realize by now that having theproper training program and diet is more important than the type ofworkout equipment you use.

With that in mind, I encourage you to take a fewmoments RIGHT NOW to read this entire report. It's really thatimportant!

You see I found the answer in the strangest placehowever; I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let me tell you a quick story.

When the Bully Xtreme isometrics &isotonic home gym was created, it was done because the other 'IsometricExercise' products available were nowhere near the quality that youwould want!

Moreover, while I thought that this was horrible,what lay ahead for me was ligament pain andultimately what has been coined as 'Geezer Worker Elbow.'

The old-fashioned -- (more than 40 years old) --GeezerWorker (Bullworker) training program will not get you the type ofresults that you're looking for. Believe Me!

What do I meanby that?

Well, if you're looking to strip body fat,increase your strength and muscle size -- and NOT spend hours workingout -- then you need to know the secrets that I poured into the Bully XtremeISO-SYNERGY training program.

As a personal trainer and martial artist. havingspent more than 20 years in the fitness and bodybuilding industry -- Ihave tirelessly worked countless hours researching what get results.not only on my clients but also, on myself.

And I can tell you that what you'll get in the BullyXtreme ISO-SYNERGY training program is the latestscientifically validated training protocols available today.

Bear in mind,the Bully Xtreme exerciser can replace:

  • A quality set ofresistance bands
  • Bodyweight exercises
  • EVEN any other piece ofisometric exercise equipment.

However, even though the quality of the BullyXtreme has been raved about it's the Bully Xtreme training programthat's the 'SECRET' behind all the success stories.

Revolutionary IsometricTraining Program

Free Printable Exercise Diagrams

What does this mean for you?

Well, here's the thing.with the Iso-Synergytraining system . you will. not suffer any ligament or elbowstrain.

In fact, our training program is so REVOLUTIONARY.it includes training concepts and protocols that have only recentlybeen discovered by leading exercise physiology researchers.

The Bully XtremeISO-SYNERGY training program includes workout protocols such as:

  • Muscle Confusion
  • Muscle Stacking
  • Post IsometricContractions
  • Eccentric Contractions
  • High-Intensity IntervalTraining
  • Circuit Training

If you're training program does not include any ofthese training concepts and protocols, then you're wasting your timeworking out!

So, please take a moment and readthe rest of this article.

You will quickly see exactly what you get with theBully Xtreme training program and you'll find out that what I'moffering you here is a fantastic Internet bargain.

I urge you to take advantage of this special offerright now I don't know how long I will continue offering everything yousee here for such a low price.

And I mean a LOW PRICE!

Free Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart

By the way, if you're looking to get a flat,ripped, six pack abs showing stomach. then the Bully Xtreme isperfect for you. With more than 9 fat burning,stomach tightening. core and stomach exercises that only take secondsto perform.

Getting fast results is now easierthan ever before!

Six Pack Abs in Seconds

The Bully Xtreme isperfect if you're looking for six pack abs

These 9 plus FLAT stomach developing movementsallows you to target the upper, middle,lower and even the side ab muscles. Auto tune live mic discord. You can easily and quickly use theBully Xtreme to have a flat, washboard stomach -- while only workingout for 2 to 3 minutes!


In the Bully Xtreme trainingprogram, you'll get a complete 6 pack abspecialization program that willhave you running to take your shirt off.

Here's a glimpse of some of the simple and quickab exercises. This is why I call the Bully Xtreme.

'The World's Best Ab Exerciser!'

Get These 4 SpecialReports That WILL
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The first chapter of the'Bully XtremeTraining Program-- Iso-Synergy'

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Privacy Note: Iwill NEVER, EVERsell, rent or give away your email address to anyone for anyreason. I hate spam as much as you do and I will never be partof it.

Stop for aMoment!

Take a quick look at thepicture directly below this. As you can seethe Bully Xtreme home gym can easily replace:

  • A set of dumbbells
  • Exercise bands
  • And even an expensive cablemachine.

With. more than 82health club quality type exercises. thatyou can perform. ANYWHERE!

The beautiful part about the Bully Xtreme trainingprogram is that whether you own a GeezerWorker X5,GeezerWorker 2, GeezerWorker Gold, Everlast Powerbow -- or any otherGeezerWorker type exerciser.

You can apply the secrets that you will findwithin the pages of the training manual to get immediate results!

Here's whatyou'll get by taking advantage of this special offer:

You'll Get The.
Bully Xtreme Iso-SynergyWorkout System 50+ pages)

It's the first e-book, manual ever to revealallthe missing pieces to the muscle building puzzle, that all theothers miss-out.

You will get pages of tips andtricks to get you theresults you want!

This is not some old, GeezerWorker exerciseprogram,you are getting the latest in. MuscleBuilding Science!

(Retail Value$39.95)

Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart Pdf

  • Discover Bruce Lee's 'Secret StrengthTraining Program' that'll get you results SUPER FAST.
  • 10 reasons why the way you're training now mayjust, put you in thehospital!
  • Learn the latest and most advancedtraining method to add musclesize and mass.FAST!
  • Why certain group exercise classes and athleticactivities are noteffective fat burners (if you're taking classes and not seeing results-you need to know this!)
  • Not one but. 3 Bully XtremeTraining Programs designed to fit your schedule andexperience level - plus a 'conservative' 7 minute once a week.routinefor 'time-crunched' people who can't train as often as they'd like to.
    YOU. pick the routine you want. it's all mapped out foryou day by day,step by step.
    (Unlike the GeezerWorker program.)
  • The never before revealed 'SecretPsychology of Gaining Muscle Size.' Imagine by usingjust a few of these 'Brain Programming' techniques you'll be hypnotizedinto wanting to work out. You won't need any discipline or other typesof motivation to achieve your fitness goals. By the way, these are thesame techniques that NFL, NBA, MLB and Olympic champions pay sportspsychologists hundreds of dollars an hour to learn. Now you'll be ableto use the same strategies.
  • The psychological reason why mostpeople sabotagethemselves.just when their exercise program is beginning to work andthey are getting results from. they just sabotage themselves (youwill learn exactlyhow to make sure this never happens to you!)
  • How to Easily Add an Inch of Muscle on YourArms in 14 Days or Less. Along with a foolproof strategy that will giveyou a striated, muscular and defined chest.
  • The Number 1 rule that you CANNOTviolate in Isometrics/StaticContraction training.
  • 9 'Magical' exercises that will pack inches ofrock hard muscle on your body with no effort at all.
  • 3 powerful enhancements toStatic Contraction Training that you must know about!
  • Why using the OLD,GeezerWorker exercise program will actuallystop you from gainingany results.
  • The one major blunder everyone makeswhen working-out with theirGeezerWorker!
  • How to leverage your workouts so that inminutes you get the musclepumping results of spending hours training!
  • And you'll discover much more!

Weider Exercise Chart

BullyXtreme Fat Loss Manual! (179 pages)

With the information contained in the BullyXtreme nutrition program you'll easily discover how to get a flatstomach and ripped abs… without sacrificing the foodsyou love or doing thousands of situps and leg crunches

You'll find out exactly what foods to eatand what not to eat.

You'll receive a collection of simple menusthat provide you with a step-by-step breakdown based on your currentweight, body size and overall fat loss goals.

In addition, you'll also discover how tomeasure your body fat, should you do cardio and much, much, more.

This e-book alone will 'doubleyour fat burning ability!'

If you are looking to build musclemass, we got you covered!

We have a complete section on buildingmuscle mass that will completely shock and amaze you. You'll wonder whythis information has been hidden from you before! Sibelius 7 mac free download.

(Retail Value $39.95)

Here's What Else You'll Discover
In This Amazing Fat Burning Program

Free Online Exercise Charts

  • Why there's so much conflicting advice ontraining and nutrition - and howyou can save money by learning to instantly recognize marketing hype,falseadvertising, phony weight loss claims and plain B.S.
  • How to break through any fat loss plateau -even if you've been stuck at thesame weight for years! 10 foolproof methods that work like magic everytime.
  • Why dieting below your criticalcalorie level can cause serious damage toyour metabolism and actually make you fatter! (and how to know whenyou're inthe danger zone).also, the precise calculations for your optimalcalorie level(it's different for everyone - copy someone else and you'll fail)
  • How to eat 50%more calories without storing an ounce as fat - It's true- youcan actually eat more food while losing more fat using this simple, butoftenoverlooked strategy!
  • Important lessons you can learn fromthe Zone and Atkins diet. including thereasons why most people fail on both of these diets in the long run.
  • Dozens of the best-kept fat loss secrets ofbodybuilders and fitness models thatalmost NOBODY knows about. compiled by a 14-year, rare study of themost'Ripped' athletes on earth.
  • The three critical factors thatdetermine whether you'll lose muscle whiledieting. and how the slightest nutritional 'tweak' can guarantee youkeep everyounce of precious lean body mass while you're dieting.
  • What to do when you've tried everythingand the stubborn fat still won't comeoff! (this is one of the little-known tacticsbodybuilders and fitness modelsuse in the final weeks before competitions)
  • And much more